Bee The Miracle
November 26, 2007
By Buzz Marketeer
From the Central Hive
My mission is clear: To explode political correctness in the name of Truth and Love.
Hello friends. Buzz here. Today’s message is about commitment. You might ask, “what does he know about commitment? Well, before I left the hive I was committed all right. Committed to three people; me, myself and I. All I did was hang with my homies, eat royal jelly, and wait for a chance to get lucky with the Queen. Lucky for me I got out when I did though. Have you seen what happens to drones after they mate? (Hard swallow). Can you say “fatal attraction”? And have you SEEN what happens to drones that DON’T get a shot with her Highness? Talk about a jacked up situation! Yeah, they get strong-armed out the hive by the females....and usually end up freezing to death. Now that’s cold (bdum bum)! So why do the ladies have it out for the males? Talk about a female dominated society. What’d we ever do to them? Actually, I think that’s just it...we don’t ANYTHING except lie around, eat, poop and make them clean up after us. All the while sporting a pipe dream (at least for most) that we get to have a magical “encounter” with the Queen. That’s the life huh? Err, except for the horribly cruel ending...and there’s no way to candy coat THAT. Gettin’ your genitalia ripped out? Sure, though one drone gets a chance to live out his lifelong fantasy, he definitely ends up taking one for the team..in a very unexpected way (record scratch). But it does further the species, right? The only difference is, I’m thinkin’ he’s not so concerned about the greater good....only in soothing his burning loins. But really, drones don’t have a choice...that’s who they are.
On the other hand, humans DO have choices. And for those of you that live in the free world, specifically the good ‘ol U.S. of A, perhaps at times it may seem like too many choices. So, what the heck does ANY of this have to do with commitment you ask? Well, plenty. Look, a bee hive is one of nature’s greatest examples of poetry in motion. Its inner-workings personify commitment. All the bees (yes, even the slouch drones) have a purpose within the colony and follow it through...even unto death. So, we know bees are committed to each other, but they’re also interminably bound to the flower. Yeah, they need lots and lots of pollen and nectar to make just a single drop of honey. The bees need the flowers and the flowers need the bees. What a perfectly grand design, eh?
Well, more than ever in this country (yep, gettin’ serious on you) We The People need to lock arms and get in lock step with each other and care more than just pittance about finding our common ground. Choose to listen more than you talk. Open that mind. There are some really rotten forces working overtime trying to divide us...polarize us...and it’s working. Bah! Sure, we all have our differences..but isn’t that what made
So, now what? Did any of you see that Twilight Zone where these aliens pick a small town to experiment on? Yeah, they create a few unexplainable events and then sit back and let the people get all paranoid and panicked. Everyone in town eventually starts becoming suspicious that theirs neighbors are aliens and the town almost ends up tearing itself apart. That’s what I see starting to happen here, but on a much bigger scale. Sure, we do have problems, but we’re blaming the wrong people. Listen to me,
Hey, you don’t even have to like the Founding Fathers or that they had slaves or that they were too religious or too rich or too drunks or womanizers. Whatever! Am I perfect? Are you? I rest my case. The point I’m making is that they got it. They understood something. They understood that people are all the same and were born to live free! I can’t stress that enough. Why do you think people from all nations started coming here? Because they were oppressed in their home countries. Same reason why we broke off from
Why have we strayed so far from these ideas? Because over many generations we kept trying to fix even the things that weren’t broken. Parents don't like to see their children to struggle like they did. Sure, it's noble and loving, but we have to be careful that we continue teaching them the values that we value most, even if it means letting them fall off the horse. We just have to teach them to get back on. Don't let cycle of enablement begin under your roof. That is something you can control. You've probably heard this, but it never seems to get old. Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime...not to mention how he can repeat the cycle.
So today, I’m kindly, but firmly urging all Americans to Bee The Miracle, Bee Committed, get involved by becoming informed from more than just one side of the argument. Listen...and I mean REALLY listen to what’s on people’s hearts. Your neighbor is not your enemy...no, not even the one with the Vote Hilary or Vote Ron Paul bumper sticker on their Prius or Suburban. Go introduce yourself and express to them that you are tired of all the bickering and you want, nay WE NEED, to find some common ground, otherwise we WILL lose this great country down the black hole, never to be seen again.
That's all for now, friends. Stay tuned for more thrilling comments ahead.
This is Buzz Marketeer signing off for now from the Central Hive. Thank for reading.