Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Bee Compassionate

December 11, 2007

By Buzz Marketeer - From the Central Hive

My Mission: To help you bee all you can bee, but it's gonna sting like a mutha!

Hello friends. Buzz here. Today’s message is about compassion. Gang, when was the last time you did something on a whim? I mean when was the last time you did something really out of character? No, I don’t mean adding whip cream to your half caf double espresso mocha latte or even parting your hair on the other side for the day. I mean, when was the last time you got out of your comfort zone to get to know a co-worker you don’t like...or gave up some weekend time to help a neighbor fix their leaky faucet? Guys, I don’t know if you’ve been paying much attention to what’s going on around you lately, but our great land is in heap big trouble. Yes, there’s something called “I” trouble plaguing this great nation and it’s at epidemic proportions. And it’s affecting everybody. Folks, I’m gonna tell you somethin’. There’s only a few of us left who bee-lieve enough in the value of freedom and personal achievement available in this great country to speak out about it. You there, with the remote control in your other hand and the quart of low fat, low carb, low sodium, high-priced cookie dough ice cream in front of you. I’m talkin’ to you. You’re a good person. You live your life tryin’ to make a good living, be a good a citizen, a good parent, tryin’ to keep your nose clean, tryin’ not to offend anyone...to live and let live. You pay your taxes, you only drive 5 or 10 miles an hour over the speed limit most days and vote your conscience. I applaud you. You believe in the Great Creator Bee, believe in doing the right thing and not rockin’ the boat. You’re mostly okay with the status quo, because it’s safe and stable. Maybe you’re close to retirement and you just wanna finish the race, so you can take it easy...relax in style. Take that cruise and maybe even buy that sports car you’ve been eyein’. Man, who am I to judge you? Nobody. I’m nobody. And I'm not here to judge. The question is, at what price freedom? Have you been complacent? What have you compromised to get what you got? How many people have you helped on your journey...and I mean really helped? What will your epitaph read? Will people remember your contributions to mankind or to your vacation fund? That you gave freely of your time or that you always gloated about what you got for free?

So, what now? Are you feeling a little convicted? Maybe not. Maybe you’re okay with where you are in life. Maybe your goals and dreams have been trampled on for so long that nothin’ much matters to you anymore, except finishing the race without losing any more ground. Maybe you’ve forgotten what it is to hope as a child does. Maybe you now think hope is overrated. Maybe you gave up on your childhood dreams a long time ago because you were criticized, chastised, ostracized, knocked down, beat up one side and down the other for so long, you ended up deciding it wasn’t worth the pain to pursue it another second. Maybe you’ve been hurting for so long, that your heart of hearts has been boarded up, chained up and armor-reinforced with a state of the art security system, so there’s no way anybody can ever hurt you again. And maybe you’ve even become the person that you once hated...the person that pushed you down face first into the mud and then kicked you when you were down in it. Friend, if that’s where you are in life, I have compassion for you.

I’m asking you to first off, forgive those people that hurt you the most. Shed that layer. Let it be lifted off of you so you can breathe again. Now, forgive yourself. No matter what you’ve done in your life; no matter what you’ve said or who you may have hurt, there is always forgiveness available. I don’t care how unthinkable or horrific the offense. If we cannot forgive...if we can no longer hope...we are no longer human. Now call someone that’s been on your mind. Better yet, just show up on at their door. Talk to them. Forgive them of a past offense or ask them to forgive you. Next, tell them what I shared with you. Tell them to pass this along to someone else they care about.

Next, take a nap. Yeah, this process can be so cleansing, but also be quite exhausting. Now, make a permanent change to your life today. Don’t put it off until tomorrow, because folks, we may not have a tomorrow. Sure, you could get hit by a Zamboni at the skating rink. Worse, we can allow this great country of ours to get hijacked by the do-gooders who are only looking out for #1. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of people tellin’ me how to live my life. My next message will be entitled “Bee Humble”.

That's all for now, friends. Stay tuned for more thrilling comments ahead.

This is Buzz Marketeer signing off for now from the Central Hive. Thanks for reading.

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